
Showing posts from November, 2021

Deforestation in Trinidad and Tobago

What is deforestation in Trinidad and Tobago? Deforestation is defined as the removal of trees from forested areas across the world. Locally, we have three main forested areas: the Northern range, Central Range in Trinidad, and the Main Ridge in Tobago. It is important to mention that South Trinidad is also largely forested especially in and around the Trinity Hills. These forested areas are constantly under attack by legal and illegal deforestation. Figure 1: showing deforestation in Trinidad (Loop News 2021) Deforestation in Trinidad and Tobago Firstly, not all deforestation is illegal. Companies that require space for infrastructural development can apply to the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) for approval on the project. The EMA can determine the impact that the project would cause on the environment based on the details of the venture. Lumber companies also need to apply for a license before they teardown trees from any area. However, a large portion of the trees

From Farm to Table: Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Did you know that your diet affects the amount of Greenhouse Gas emissions we emit per capita? Figure 1: Showing a farmer plowing (EU agriculture 2020) On earth, we have a wide variety of food options to choose from and many different types of diets. With so many food options and many different methods of production, there will be Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Growing crops and rearing animals contribute significantly to our global Greenhouse Gas emissions which include Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Nitrates, accounting for 37% of Greenhouse Gas emissions in 2021 (NewScientist 2021). Animal-based foods produce almost double the amount of Greenhouse Gases than plant-based produce. Let’s look at the top 10 Carbon Dioxide Emitting foods. Figure 2: Showing the top 10 Carbon Dioxide emitting foods (2021) Adapted from the  Environmental Working Group’s Meat Eater’s Guide  and the  EPA’s Guide to Passenger Vehicle Emissions .   When considering more plant-based foods like fruits, vegeta


COP is an abbreviation for Conference of the Parties, held by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to discuss the Climate Emergency. COP26 is the twenty-sixth Conference of the Parties. This is a two-week event that is held annually and is attended by world leaders who gather to discuss the climate crisis and the solutions. The Caribbean islands are on the frontline of Climate Change facing many impacts. Many Caribbean leaders are at COP26 including our Prime Minister, Dr Keith Rowley. This week we are going to analyze his speech. Figure 1: COP26 Logo (UNFCCC 2021) Dr. Keith Rowley opens with “We gather today at a pivotal point in the history of humanity, in a further attempt to deepen commitment and determination to mitigate the effects of climate change”. This statement comes after the World Energy Outlook provided information on the grim report on the state of our climate crisis. Without immediate changes to our rather unsustainable practices, we will not be a