From Farm to Table: Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Did you know that your diet affects the amount of Greenhouse Gas emissions we emit per capita?

Figure 1: Showing a farmer plowing (EU agriculture 2020)

On earth, we have a wide variety of food options to choose from and many different types of diets. With so many food options and many different methods of production, there will be Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Growing crops and rearing animals contribute significantly to our global Greenhouse Gas emissions which include Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Nitrates, accounting for 37% of Greenhouse Gas emissions in 2021 (NewScientist 2021). Animal-based foods produce almost double the amount of Greenhouse Gases than plant-based produce.

Let’s look at the top 10 Carbon Dioxide Emitting foods.

Figure 2: Showing the top 10 Carbon Dioxide emitting foods (2021)

Adapted from the Environmental Working Group’s Meat Eater’s Guide and the EPA’s Guide to Passenger Vehicle Emissions.


When considering more plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and lentils, we notice a significant decrease in the Carbon Footprint.

Figure 3: showing the foods ranking 11-16 on the Carbon Dioxide emission chart (2021)

Adapted from the Environmental Working Group’s Meat Eater’s Guide and the EPA’s Guide to Passenger Vehicle Emissions.

It is not that the food itself releases these emissions, but the process of planting and rearing causes emissions to be released into the atmosphere. Transportation also plays a big role in the release of emissions since food needs to be transported to be distributed around the world. 

From this, we can infer that vegetarian and vegan diets are best for reducing one’s Carbon footprint. For many of us, becoming vegetarian or vegan is farfetched or impossible but by substituting a few meals a week for vegetarian or vegan alternatives we can all play our part in reducing our Greenhouse Gas emissions and by extension our Carbon Footprint.

Do you think you could adjust your diet to include more plant-based meals for the protection of our environment? 


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